Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Prevent wound infection+Tetanus

Tetanus Prevention

1. Prevent tetanus through immunization -- An effective vaccine against tetanus has been available for many years. It is usually given to children combined with diphtheria and pertussis vaccines in a shot called DTP. A child needs five DTP shots, given at specified intervals, for complete protection. Tetanus booster shots are recommended every 10 years. Persons with wounds that are deep or dirty may need a tetanus booster shot if more than 5 years have passed since the last dose. An injection of tetanus immune globulin (TIG) given as soon as possible after a tetanus-prone injury can also help neutralize the poison that has not entered the nervous system.**

2. Prevent tetanus through proper care of wounds -- Cleaning all wounds, removing dead tissue, and using antibiotics for contaminated or infected wounds can reduce the likelihood of getting tetanus.

** Immunization in Malaysia (Refer to table above)

If you have never received a primary immunization as a child and you have an open wound, the doctor will likely give you the first vaccine dose at the time of your wound care, as well as a single dose of a special immunoglobulin with high activity against tetanus. You must see a doctor in four weeks and again in six months to complete the primary vaccination series.

Prevent wound infection

1. Wash your residual limb with mild soap and water, then rinse and pat dry. Do this at least once a day; do it more often if you sweat a lot or are treating a rash or infection.

2. Wash anything that comes into contact with your skin (liners, socks, inner socket, etc.) with mild soap and water, then rinse and dry.

3. Do not use alcohol-based lotions on your skin. They cause the skin to dry and crack, increasing the chance of infection.

4. Do not use too much softening lotion; use just enough to prevent dry skin.

5. Maintain a good prosthetic fit at all times and take care to maintain correct alignment and socket fit. Having the right fit will help relieve pressure spots and soreness.

6. Eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water to maintain supple, healthy skin.

7. If you are a diabetic, monitor and maintain your glucose levels.

Symptoms of bacterial infection, immediately go seek doctor for further treatment:

  • area around the wound feels hot
  • area becomes red and swollen
  • pus or white/yellow drainage
  • sudden increase in pain
  • severe tenderness
  • fever

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