Saturday, August 15, 2009

Risk and protectice factors


1. Dieting. People who diet may end up dieting excessively especially when they receive positive comments about their weight loss and changing appearance.

2. Unintentional weight loss. Can be due to illness or accident. When complimented on their thinness, they may be encouraged to go on a diet, at times, excessively to maintain that figure.

3. Body dissatisfaction. Overweight people may be criticised or feel insecure with their weight, resulting in extreme dieting.

4. Puberty. Adolescents may face peer pressure and may have trouble coping with their body changes. They may be more sensitive to comments or criticisms about their body weight and shape.

5. Transitions. Emotional distress (new school, job, home, relationship problems, death, illness) which are uncontrollable can cause one to try to hold on to things that are within their control, such as eating.

6. Sports, work & artistic activities. Activities where thinness is a requirement (ballerinas, gymnasts) or being fat is frowned upon (athletes, actors, dancers, models) may result in higher risk of anorexia in those people. Professional men and women may believe that they’ll improve their upward mobility by losing weight, then take it to an extreme.

7. Media & society. TV and fashion magazines often show skinny models & actors. These images seem to equate thinness with success & popularity. Thus, people may be influenced by them.

8. Perfectionist personality, overachiever personality – they view themselves through a harshly critical lens.

9. Low self esteem

10. Family history of eating disorder.

11. Childhood sexual abuse.


1. Religion
2. Friends & family support
3. High self esteem


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